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> Idle fluctuation, Rpm between 1000 and 2000
post Feb 9 2025, 02:47 PM
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Beautiful Paint Job - do you have a color number? Is it an original color?

QUOTE(SWH @ Feb 9 2025, 01:53 PM) *

Thank for all the feedback on the idle searching problem. The searching starts as the cold idle ends. The fluctuation is back and forth every few seconds. I have not driven since rebuild. Only did the cam break in. I did clean the throttle body and distributor, but did not do any rebuilds on these items. I did just complete brake system rebuild and should be able to drive soon. Some had mentioned the rubber vacuum which is new. I also tried adjusting the ECU, but not sure of the proper technique

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post Feb 10 2025, 04:13 PM
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Can anyone reccomend someone who is currently rebuilding 914 2.0L throttle bodies?
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post Feb 10 2025, 05:53 PM
Post #23

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QUOTE(Fazasport @ Feb 10 2025, 05:13 PM) *

Can anyone reccomend someone who is currently rebuilding 914 2.0L throttle bodies?

Mark did mine.

Bartlett 914 is his name on here. PM him.

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post Feb 10 2025, 10:28 PM
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QUOTE(saigon71 @ Feb 8 2025, 05:59 AM) *

A hunting idle can also be caused by a lean idle mixture.


But I suspect it is just part of the problem and there are multiple contributing factors.

D-jet idle can be sort of tricky where you have to chase multiple variables simultaneously to get it just right.

My suspicion is you have a combination of ALL the following happening at the same time to some extent.

1. Intake air leak(s)
2. Lean mixture
3. A worn out distributor. or possibly the wrong distributor or misadjusted timing.

I would start by checking the timing and verifying that your vacuum retard is functioning properly. 74 2.0s absolutely require proper functioning vacuum retard to idle properly. Next check what the timing is doing when it is hunting. If you have weak advance springs a small air leak can be enough to get you up to speed to where a bunch of unintended ignition advance then revs you up even higher, at least until it starves itself and drops back down.

long story short, with d-jet you sort of have to check everything, but start with timing and then air leaks.
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post Feb 10 2025, 11:55 PM
Post #25

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I had a hunting idle and it went away when I replaed the Manifold Pressure Sensor MPS with a correct untampered one. Cross check your MPS part number and make sure it is correct for your model.

Also, if you look super close at the space down and around your ECU knob, you will see a melted spot in the plastic. That is the factory calibration point for the ECU knob pointer.

Massive D-Jet info here https://members.rennlist.com/pbanders/DJetParts.htm
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