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> What defines 914 GT Tribute project, General thoughts and opinions on what is necessary to call a project a "GT Tribute project"
post Feb 8 2025, 08:26 AM
Post #21

914-6 GT in waiting

Group: Members
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Joined: 19-September 09
From: Landenberg, PA/Wilmington, DE
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I agree with Steve. Driving a race car in the street is fun at first but gets old really fast. Even just buckling into five point seat belts and not being able to roll down the passenger window or pick up your phone from the floor is a pita. The noise looses its appeal pretty quickly and rarely will a significant other travel with you. The guys who go too far with their suspension learn that what works well for the track isn’t much fun on the street. I’ve been in a couple 914’s and a bunch of 911’s that fit the above description. The owners either sell them after a bit or rarely drive them. Fun to look at but not the best direction for most people.

I’ll call most any 914 with flares and a six a GT but I’m no gatekeeper. If your “GT” has a four cylinder or Suby, it’s all good.

One last nit pick. I don’t see many people these days trying “alternative” flares. Thank you. Personally, I could never warm up to anything other than factory style flares.
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