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> Cold Start Issue 914-4, Admitting I'm stuck and asking for help
post Mar 18 2025, 07:06 PM
Post #21

914 Guru

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From: Woods of N. Idaho
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Good - proper starting fluid.

So about the only reason that stuff won’t burn / fire an engine is when there is no spark.

So going back to assumptions - if it won’t even cough on starting fluid - you need to be looking at why there is a lack of spark.

FWIW - using a timing light to verify spark isn’t a good plan.

When a plug is soaking wet or fouled heavily enough from carbon - it will flow electricity right out the center electrode, down over the ceramic insulator (which is no longer insulating) and to the ground electrode.

High voltage energy flows though the plug wire but doesn’t manifest as a spark. The timing light doesn’t know the the difference and will flash the timing light . . . But there is no spark jumping the gap.

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