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> Tell us about your track or a/x experience level., Or your goals...
post Aug 15 2006, 07:06 AM
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I have only auto-crossed once, in my 911SC last year. I did somewhat pitiful times honestly. I am into road racing, SCCA Club Racing. I raced a BMW 2002 in SCCA ITB from 2000 thru 2003, ran 28 races, then couldn't get my license renewed due to blood pressure issues. I ran mostly at Summit Point but ran a double race weekend at VIR and raced at Watkins Glen twice. I have my license again (just got renewed!!) and plan to run the last race at Summit Point this season in the '02 and run the whole season next year. My long range plan is to build a production car. I'm still deciding between an FProd 914 or an FProd 912. I have one of each in my barn, both needing a bit of work.
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post Aug 15 2006, 12:15 PM
Post #22

Times a wastin', get wrenchin'!

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My first was in May 1985 my Senior year of High school. Ford was taking the then semi new Tempo around and letting high school kids flog the living (IMG:style_emoticons/default/stromberg.gif) out of it. I signed up, and drove the wheels off of it. Came in third and won $50 for my efforts.

But that washy car hooked me, soon after I was running a Dodge Omni - mine had a VW 1.7L in it, which gave way to a GTI 1.8L, and Dad was nice enough to buy the factory sport suspension. Made for a semi fun run. Once I got out of college I got hooked up with a bunch of local 914 people, the leaders where Jon and Nancy Lowe. I worked for a company associated with Nancy, latter she became my boss. So it fit well, did a PCA Parade, I had a VW Fox at this point, remembering running the Parade auto-x in the Fox after the timed runs where done, and putting the smack down on most of the P-class cars that ran that day. Only beat by a couple of 914s, hey somebody had to test the timing and scoring setup.

Never driven a big track, been auto-xing for 21 years. But have ridden a lot of seat time on the Big tracks, and built a couple of PCA J-class racers in my time. Never drove a single one of them, at the track.

Okay here is the sad part of the tail - I have been working on 914s since I was 9 years old when Dad brought home a 914-6. This is the first season I have had a 914 together long enough to drive at an auto-x.

But I a loving every minute of it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/driving.gif)
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post Aug 16 2006, 08:03 PM
Post #23

914 addicted

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I ran an AX at Marina in 04 in my 914 with my son. He posted better times than me. My door flew open during a run and broke the limiter strap. We really had fun with our shitty 1.7L. I put that car into the shop for engine tranny rebuild that may now 2 years later actually be finished. In the meantime I ran Infineon AX in a 78 911SC and a Boxster S. I ran Candlestick AX with the same cars. The I ran my first track day at Sears in the rain in the SC. FUN, but my son spun his Mom's Boxster S (no physical damage) and I couldn't focus the rest of the day. I ran Santa Rosa AX in a 04 C4S (woohoo!) with my son in Mom's Boxster and that was my last event. I am going to try and make Marina in late august in my risen from the ashes 914.
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post Aug 16 2006, 08:55 PM
Post #24

Not another one!

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I raced motorcycles from 1988 to 1992, and sucked at it. My highest finish was 2nd place, and I was lapped by the winner (who was 13 years old, half my size, had a bike worth 10x mine, and went on to be a National champion). A 90mph collarbone breaking collision was my 2nd from last event, and I hung it up.

My first AX was in 1990, in a Honda CRX Si that was just weeks old. The event was held in in the parking lot of a Harpoon missile assembly plant by the McDonnell-Douglas Sports Car Club (yes, the company had an internal club). This is St. Louis, MO. That year, I must have run 20 events, mostly held by the two SCCA regions (St. Louis and Southern IL) that ran AXes there, along with a few more McDonnell events. I ran probably 16-20 events per year after that until 1994, mostly in the CRX, some in a 1985 Toyota MR2, some in a 1985 Mazda RX-7. Several class wins, and one regional title (St. Louis region).

I did do a number of open track days on bikes in the late 90s, after I moved to California, and have run at Laguna, Sears Pt, Thunderhill (short course, the back half was still dirt then), and Willow Springs (big track).

I have never driven a car on a full track (AXes set up on tracks don't count), nor have I ever driven a 914 at an AX. The latter I intend to cure post my 6 conversion. The former I don't have a lot of interest in. Too much car prep required, and my bike days convinced me of street or track, but not both, from any vehicle. I have zero desire to get a tow truck and a trailer.

Karts, however, I may end up doing...(beyond the indoor stuff).
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post Oct 3 2006, 07:35 PM
Post #25


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I've only completed one PCA DE, but that was enough to catch the bug. My Dad used to race SCCA in So. California and it didn't take much to convince ourselves we needed to find a car we could track. We were fortunate enough to find a 914 that the owner was willing to sell at what we consider a very reasonable price. We are now in the process of figuring our what we need to do to it, what is allowed, what 'class' in which we will race. I've removed the engine and I am disassembling it; Dad is repairing the body and stripping down the cab.

So any advice will be greatly appreciated. We are based out of Las Vegas and Southern Utah; we haven't heard of much amateur racing in our area so we are thinking to participate in the So. California and Phoenix tracks.

March 10, 2007 update: We've got the engine rebuilt and reinstalled; roll cage is in place and a seat; stripped out everything we think we could do without to save weight; and replaced the windshield (the welder smashed the original while installing the roll cage). We finally got a chance to 'take 'er for a drive' during a PCA DE in Pahrump, NV the first weekend of March. When we reinstalled the engine we also put in a Weltmeister short shifter. We had so much problems with the dang thing we are thinking of reinstalling the stock shifter. I've also attended two SCCA A/Xs, but I drove my '03 996 C2 Cab as the 914 wasn't yet ready; now I just need to improve my skills to I can turn in times faster than those darn 'Vettes. As soon as we figure out whats going on with the shifter/clutch/transmission, I plan to use the 914 for A/X too.
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Brad Roberts
post Oct 10 2006, 06:10 PM
Post #26

914 Freak!

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I attended my first AutoX a few weeks back with San Diego region PCA at Qualcomm stadium.

I like it. I think I will try it again (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

B (IMG:style_emoticons/default/driving.gif)
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post Oct 16 2006, 04:23 PM
Post #27

Smurf Zone

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My turn.....

This year is my 2nd season, best finish 3rd overall in PCA, since mid-season top 5's in PCA. IMO last year didn't count as car wasn't working right, Made for low key learning running in the mid-pack.

Next year goals, win SCCA regional SM2. Finish in top 5 at every PCA event entered. Run at least one national tour event.

Now its off to fix the car (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sawzall-smiley.gif)
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post Oct 30 2006, 06:03 PM
Post #28

Sportscar lunatic

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Grew up enamored with my Unlces 73' 240Z (Original owner, always autoX'd). I got myself a 240Z at 16 (this was 95') and started autoXing with the Empire Sports Car Assn., the SF region SCCA, and the American AutoX Series. Learned a lot in that car. Also ran many events co-driving with my Uncle in his Z. I only ran one or two events on street tires before switching to slicks. Never looked back.
I helped my Dad put together a 66' Beetle several years ago when he wanted to give it a try. That was a fun little car to drive too.
A couple of autoX schools, a skip barber open wheel school, a few go-kart sessions, and as much seat time as I could get.
Now I've been on hiatus for most of the past two years. I got a little burnt (and broke) trying to build my current 240Z to the edge of the FP class limits in hopes of getting to the nationals. Spent some of that off-time racing last season in SuperMoto. I'm hoping to be back at autoX this next year, if not in the Z, then with my 914/8.
So I guess that's around 10 or 11 years, give or take.
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post Nov 18 2006, 10:28 PM
Post #29


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11-18-06 I ran thunderhill today and had a blast. I never had an official time at thunderhill, so my cousin tricked me and put a transponder in his car. I thought I was anywhere between 210 and 214. My cousin drove my car and ran a 214. He is a lot better driver than me so i assumed I was doomed. After a Wrx came by me with 331 at the rear wheels I got mad and blew by him on the straight. I kept pushing the car thinking I was walking away from him each corner. Little did I know he was all up my a// after watching the video. My cousin brought the sheet in and to everybody's suprise I ran a 2:06. Now I am pumped up and ready to make major suspension mods to my car. Thanks Bill for giving me advice on the sway bars, torsion bars, and spring rates. HC (IMG:style_emoticons/default/clap56.gif)
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post Dec 8 2006, 02:48 AM
Post #30

914 Wizard

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With 53% of grad school done and a 3.8 GPA, I'm thinking of slacking off a bit and showing up again at PCA events. Who's out there and running these days??
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post Feb 13 2007, 03:16 PM
Post #31

member? what's a member?

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I started doing DE events in 1987 with my Dad (who started in 1986). We still use the same car that we started with (just slightly modified... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/happy11.gif) ). Dad bought it new in 1974.

I started working on 914's when my brother and Dad redid the 914 the first time for my brother to drive while in High School. (around 1979)

It's a great way to spend time with Dad.

I've been to numerous tracks including:

Summit Point
Watkins Glen
Road America
Memphis Motor Speedway
Putnam Park
BlackHawk Farms
Heartland Park
MidAmerica Motorplex

My home track (being in Kansas City) is Heartland Park in Topeka.

My favorite track of all time is Mid Ohio, followed closely by Watkins Glenn.

My Dad and I have been instructing for the last several years and are now both PCA certified instructors (we went through the certification program last year).

I did a couple of autoX's but didn't like them (not enough seat time vs. car prep time compared to DE's)

I have done a couple PCA club races (our car is too modified to compete, yet not modified enough to be compeditive). I'll stick with DE's thank you very much.

If I was going to try club racing again, it would be in a stock class.

That is about it.
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post Apr 12 2007, 09:40 AM
Post #32

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My competitive career started with Solo II (autoX) back in 1988. Also did "pro Solo" events. (79 Rx7)

By 1990 I was regularly taking home wood and so I started Solo I (like time trials on a "real" track)... and got my CASC regional license. 1990 also saw my first race (Mosport) in a showroom stock touring car (BMW 318is) with a 4th in class.

In 1991 I was on a Firehawk Endurance team (90 Rx7) as crew chief, and alternate driver (ASN/FiA Pro B license).
1992 had my own car ( 89 GTI) and competed in Valvoline Touring Car Endurance series, as well as CASC regional race series. Did SCCA event at Mosport.

In the following years I competed in Michelin Enduro series, MSC 150 endurance series, CASC regionals, and the Ontario Challenge cup series. Also had a '91 civic, 91 Rx7 and 91 GTI race cars.

By 1998 my family commitments helped me to choose to liquidate my race cars and take occasional "guest seats" with some of my racing friends. These were one off events when time allowed. I used the proceeds from all my race stuff to build some 911s....and I became Porsche hooked.

Did some DEs between 2000 and 2006...I really like the track days when we rent the track ourselves...PCA is too restrictive, and has too many people in over their heads....Sold my '72 911S in the spring of 2006.

I have raced and tested on most tracks in Southern Ontario/Quebec (incl Molson Indy in Toronto), been to The Glen, Waterford Hills, and a couple of other US tracks...driven some really cool cars, learned to go fast with a SMALL (non existant) budget, have a box or two of dust collectors, and met some great people. Retired "offically" in 2005, but still managed to do the F2000 Bridgestone racing school that year.

Now I'm building one "hellacool" 914 as of Jan 2007....can't wait. Maybe I'll do some Solo IIs (auto X) with it....after all this time I'm probably a rookie again.
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post Oct 25 2007, 02:55 PM
Post #33


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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/driving.gif) I took the Skip Barber 3 day open wheel course some years ago. Loved it & was advised to buy a P car for the DE program. Northern New Jersey Region, of which I am now a member, started the DE program approx 35 years ago. I've driven Watkins Glen, Lime Rock, Pocono(all configutaions), Summit Point & Shenandoah so far. I've moved up to the Black run group. That's as far as I can go. The red run group is for instructors and I can't become one because I get car sick as a passenger. No kidding :{
I ran AX for 2 years & took my class for the season in M1. I've also competed in STD rallies & took !st in class for the season, but DE is my first choice. I like the rhythm of the track. AX is indeed challenging, but there isn't enough seat time for me. I'm in the car almost 2 hrs /day at a DE event. I'm working with a friend of mine who owns a Devon and I hope to be able to drive it at a historic event when it's finally sorted out.
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post Dec 3 2007, 11:39 AM
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I just completed my second autocross this past weekend. Now I wonder
why I never did it before!

My car is a totallly unprepared '75, with street tires, a 1.7 l L-Jet(!) engine, no
sway bars, and a marginal second gear syncho.

I ran in Corpus Christi on a naval auxilliary air field.

What fun though! The first weekend, I ran 1:17 after I figured out where
the course was. This weekend, I got braver, and realized the 914 can go through
the course almost flat out! It's such fun! I got down to 1:15.45...

Question though: Anybody got an idea how fast my car could go as configured?
TTOD was 1:04 by a Lotus Super 7 clone. Just trying to get a baseline. There are no
other CS cars out there! Most cars are running around 1:10 or so.

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post Dec 27 2007, 10:06 AM
Post #35

I like big butts and I can not lie!

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well mine was 6 yrs ago, my first AutoX, with the PCA. Since I have done 4 or so more PCA and SCCA and one FATT @ summit. I too have been dicking with the car too much and not racing enough. Once completed the BEAST will see as much time @ summit and other local tracks as humanly and financially possible. I will do DE and whatever else I can. DAMN I wanna race so bad (just for fun no competetive schtuff yet) as I would buy a lesser car for real racing with more damage and less emotional attachments...:-)

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post Feb 24 2008, 06:16 PM
Post #36

Losing my mind...

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Nadine and I started autocrossing in 1993, just after we got our first Porsche - her father's 1974 914 2.0. It was stock - no check that, it was less than stock. It was being serviced by the local Texaco station and he used various VW and other 'non-Porsche approved' parts to keep it running.

So we both autocrossed for years, each winning the NNJR stock 914 class series championship every year we entered. Then we upped the engine to a 2.4, raced modified, and still won.

Started doing DE's here and there in 1994 and got hooked. After a few years, we were doing 4-6 DE weekends per year. Both of us have been PCA National Instructors for years now. When we moved to Carolinas Region, I became the DE registrar. Nadine is now registrar.

Back in 2000, I rolled the car at Limerock in a DE. 18 months later, we got it back with the AIR wide body kit - at which point it ended up being named Papa Smurf. 2 years later, it went to a 2.2 liter 6 cylinder and I began PCA Club Racing in 2006. I've now completed 11 Club Races.

We've driven the following tracks;
Watkins Glen
Carolina Motorsports Park
Road Atlanta
Roebling Road

Through it all, we've run the same car for autocrosses, DE's and Club races. Papa Smurf started out as a stock 914....he now looks like this:

Attached Image

Well, then we started doing Targa Newfoundland with another 914 - Huey. Unfortunately, those of you that watch it when it comes to Speed Channel will get to see it wrecked. Check out the story and pictures at www.naroescapemotorsports.com.
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post Mar 11 2008, 09:16 PM
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Nice website, Bob; sorry to see that you had a rough time with Huey.
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post Aug 21 2009, 04:46 PM
Post #38


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Started Autox and DE's back in 1988, with a 74 914 1.8 and caught the BUG

Attached Image

in 1989 I stripped the 914 down to a shell put a cage in and tubed to the suspension points added 1983 SC front suspension and 5 lug conversion on trailing arms, 911 sc flairs on the rear quarters and carbs

Attached Image

I won 1st in class at the 1990 Porscharama, 1990 Metro NY PCA Autox M4 class champion,
1992 & 1996 Metro NY Autox Champion and was Region DE instructor. 3rd place finishes in PCA Zone 1 Autox M03 class in 1996 & 1997

End of 1997 the 914 was retired due to rust and metal fatigue issues (Large cracks in rear suspension console)

Have been autox'ing a 944na off and on from 1997 to present

Attached Image

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post Mar 2 2010, 02:33 AM
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I've owned, tracked and AX Porsches for close to ten years.

My first 911 (a '85 Carrera which was heavily modified over 6 years)

Attached Image

Sold the car above and got my seccond 911 (a '95 993 which also was modifed over the years)

Attached Image

In Norway the Porsche Club clasifications for AX are basic. We have four classes:
- beginner
- Front engine
- Rear/mid engine
- Race

If this is your first season AX-ing the you start in the beginner class.
If your car has a racing license, and/or you are using semi-slics (Toyo 888, Michelin Cup or in my case Hoosier A6) you are in the Race class. Full slics are not alowed.

My first AX was in 2001 - Did two runs - went horribly (IMG:style_emoticons/default/head_hurts_kr.gif)
Slowly made some progress over the next years.

With the '85 I finished third in 2005 and won the Rear/mid engine class in 2006
With the '95 I won the Race class in both 2007/8

2009 proved to be a turning point. My 993 with Pss9, RS breaks, LSD and A6 I was no longer competitive. It soon felt like bringing a knife to a gun fight (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
I was competing against 996/997 GT2/3 and could not keep up - ended fifth in 2009.

Sold the 993 and got the 914. Will focus more on having fun (and win if possible (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) )

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post Jun 21 2012, 03:59 PM
Post #40


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I started out in the early 90's doing some AutoX in my Mk2 Golf. My first time on a road course was in 95 with the POC (never ended up getting my license). In '08 I started to drive open wheel in Europe. I've only been to the Ricardo Tormo Ciruit in Valencia, Spain & the Hungaroring.

Hopefully one day I can get my comp license with PCA/POC and someday my FIA.
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