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> What this forum is for..., A treasure trove of 914 knowledge
post May 24 2006, 02:57 PM
Post #1

Not another one!

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From: San Mateo, CA
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This section houses an archive of posts made by 914club members that detail how to perform a particular task, and lists of commonly asked questions and their answers.

Threads are moved here from the main board by the admins if they're deemed "classic". Once they're moved, they may be edited slightly for content, style, and to remove off-topic posts. Over time, some of the older threads may be more heavily edited to suit the new capabilities of the board software (things like multiple photos per post) and general clean up.

The FAQ topics contain the lists of questions and answers. These are submitted by board members, and comments on any of them are welcome to correct errors. Suggestions for new questions are also very welcome (even more so if you can also provide the answer).
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post May 18 2010, 02:33 PM
Post #2

Resident German

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Posts: 42,167
Joined: 21-January 03
From: Oakland, Kalifornia
Member No.: 179
Region Association: Northern California

If you have (or know of) a classic thread you think should be listed here, please don't hesitate to contact me or post in the main garage forum asking to get the thread linked here ...

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/beerchug.gif) Andy
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